Transformative Conversations In Times of Lockdown (Week 3/6)

27 April 2020 | 2 min read

Psychologist and a transformative coach

Dear Guests, 
we are almost half time of our journey of exploration and I would like to go with you deeper and further.. see what else we can see behind our habitual thinking and start going beyond how we see the world…

Last week we took care of some parts of us that need attention some times. Here you can catch up on the intro to the Friday session if you missed it: Who we really are versus our inner child.. 
This week´s programme:

  • Tuesday, 28.04.2020, 6-7.30pm CET is about STORY TELLING: The way we often define ourselves is a series of memories and believes.. thoughts and stories that we combine in our heads in different ways… but… what if… what if this construction was all made up? what if we could play in our head with all sorts of stories.. very nice stories.. not only the limited ones we identify with sometimes? Next Tuesday we will play with stories.. After the wonderful Kerstin Reif joined us last week from Hannover to co facilitate the Body & Mind session, I invited my friend Stéphanie Benedetto Padovani to join us from Florida!
  • Friday, 01.05.2020, 4.30-6 pm CET is about “THE SECRET”: I introduced this text last time.. but there is so much to see in it.. so much to explore.. much more than you may have heard the first time.. Transformation is not only about changing the form, it is about transcending the form.. let’s see what there is, way beneath and beyond the surface of the form of our thoughts and stories… the real source of deep change.. Here it is again for you to bring to our session.. The Secret by Mavis Karn. But there is something else I would like you to do.. it is to explore with you the work of Sydney Banks and the 3 principles. It will be the subject of next Friday.  

Those calls are about understanding the human experience and seeing what you see when your mind gets quiet. Just sit down, listen, relax, let yourself be guided. Bring any question/topic you’d like to get some more clarity on, for yourself and/or the people around you. 

With Love

Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth
Transformative Converstations in Times of Lockdown:6 Weeks/12 calls/12 topics


Written by Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth

Transformative Coach for Leaders, Teams and Organisations with a fascination for the endless potential of the mind.

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