2017: May you let go of all the things that no longer serve you.

02 January 2017 | 2 min read


How was your personal year 2016? I hope you had a good year despite the quite confusing events around the world. My personal and business year was full of loving and rewarding moments but offered also -some more and some less- comfortable experiences that made me continue to learn about myself and life in a puzzling way.

It feels like the fact that I continue to age helps me further drop old unnecessary personal and professional baggage with more self-confidence. It is not always an easy exercise but clearly a very liberating one.

For these New Year wishes I wanted to share some insights into my last year´s learnings. I hope it inspires some of you in this new year, whether you want to use it personally or professionally.

Obviously, it would certainly work at corporate level as well when dealing with the transformational challenges that many companies are facing these days:

May you let go of all the things that no longer serve you. Just dare it!

May you free yourself from your demon within. Just face it!

May you know when you are on the right path or not. Just feel it!

May you find the words to express what you always wanted to say. Just say it!

May you start doing again things for the first time. Just try it!

May you go for what you always knew you wanted. Just do it!

May you be who you were always supposed to be. Just be it!

May 2017 bring you more learning, peace, insights and inspiration. ______________________________

And although it is a commercial ad, I like this energizing and motivating short video that reminds me of the work I have done in China over the last years. It also gives me a nice push each time I need it! Maybe you like it as well. Click here: Just do it!.

Happy New Year, Bonne Année, Frohes Neues Jahr

Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth is an internationally experienced Senior Coach for Executives, Teams and Organisations. Feel free to visit: DSH International HR.


Written by Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth

Transformative Coach for Leaders, Teams and Organisations with a fascination for the endless potential of the mind.

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